-=---------------------------------------------------------------------=- ___ ___ ___ ___ / _ \ _ _ _ __ | _ ) _ ) __| SWI & Developer Documentation | _ | '_| ' \| _ \ _ \__ \ Last Updated: 23/02/96 |_| |_|_| |_|_|_|___/___/___/ ArmBBS Version: 0.69 -=---------------------------------------------------------------------=- Unimplemented ones are : GetUserData UploadFile ClaimDriver (not fully) ReleaseDriver (not fully) line = BBS line/'port' (NOT blockdriver port) 82780 ArmBBS_PutByte (Place byte to ArmBBS port) Entry r0 line r1 character to output Exit r0 -1 if failed (buffer full) 82781 ArmBBS_GetByte (Receive byte from ArmBBS port) Entry r0 line Exit r0 character received, or -1 if none 82782 ArmBBS_PeekByte (Examine buffer to find next byte to be read) Entry r0 line Exit r0 character waiting to be received, or -1 if none 82783 ArmBBS_PutString (Place string to ArmBBS port) Entry r0 line r1 pointer to null terminated string to output Exit r0 number of bytes NOT output (buffer limit exceeded) 82784 ArmBBS_GetString (Copy contents of receive buffer into door's own buffer) Entry r0 line r1 pointer to buffer to receive data r2 amount of data to copy in bytes Exit r0 number of bytes NOT received (bytes left in buffer) 82785 ArmBBS_DoorInitialise (Allocates buffer memory and registers door info with ArmBBS server, forces line into 'door' mode if not already) Entry r0 line r1 pointer to null terminated title of door r2 Bottom 8 bits : version of armbbs * 100 Top 24 bits : various flags :- bit31 : Do not turn caret off (all other bits are reserved and should be zero) r3 size of input/output buffers (defaults to 1024 bytes if zero) Exit r0 -1 if failed 82786 ArmBBS_DoorCloseDown (Informs ArmBBS server that the door has finished and releases buffer memory, forces line out of door mode) Entry r0 line Exit r0 -1 if failed 82787 ArmBBS_GetUserData (Returns userblock) Entry r0 line r1 pointer to null terminated username or number r2 pointer to buffer r3 size of buffer Exit r0 -1 if failed 82788 ArmBBS_UploadFile (Uploads already existing file on disc to filebase) Entry r0 line r1 pointer to null terminated pathname r2 pointer to null terminated filename r3 pointer to null terminated username (uploader) r4 pointer to null terminated username (private receiver) r5 filebase number r6 filearea number r7 flags (private etc) Exit r0 -1 if failed 82789 ArmBBS_ClaimDriver (Claims serialdriver, disables ArmBBS port and timeouts. e.g. for user file transfer or complete control of serial port) Entry r0 line Exit r0 address of blockdriver on port, or -1 if unavailable/failed 8278a ArmBBS_ReleaseDriver (Releases driver and ArmBBS) Entry r0 line Exit r0 -1 if failed/never claimed 8278b ArmBBS_SendScript (Sends script command to ArmBBS to interpret) Entry r0 line r1 pointer to null terminated script command string 8278c ArmBBS_ReturnVariable (Makes information held in module [read in from Config files] available) Entry r0 line r1 reason code (See below) Exit r0 pointer to information (linked lists/strings) or returns value if numeric. See the file ArmBBSstr for details of structures (in capitals) Reason Information 0 (P) FILE/MSG AREA linked list root for message base 1 (P) FILE BASE linked list root 2 (P) Pathname of Msgbase directory 3 (P) logfile name (depends on value of r0) 4 (P) Logfile characters (depends on value of r0) 5 (V) Typerate 6 (P) Sysopname 7 (P) FTN ADDRESSES linked list root 8 (P) Pathname of mailer (depends on value of r0) 9 (P) Parameters passed to mailer (depends on value of r0) 10 (V) Pager flag 11 (P) Pathname of users file 12 (P) Pathname of PreLogon file 13 (P) Pathname of PostLogon file 14 (P) Pathname of Newuser file 15 (P) Pathname of Logoff file 16 (P) Pathname of ChatStart file 17 (P) Pathname of ChatEnd file 18 (P) Pathname of ChatExcuse file 19 (P) Pathname of TimeUp file 20 (P) Pathname of Lockedout file 21 (P) Pathname of ClosedSys file 22 (P) Pathname of MainMenu file 23 (P) Serial blockdriver name (depends on value of r0) 24 (V) Blockdriver port (depends on value of r0) 25 (P) Init string (depends on value of r0) 26 (P) Answer string (depends on value of r0) 27 (P) Ring string (depends on value of r0) 28 (V) Number of rings before answer (depends on value of r0) 29 (V) Baud rate (DTE) (depends on value of r0) 30 (V) Locked baud rate (DTE) (depends on value of r0) 31 (P) Copyright message 32 (P) Licence holder 33 (P) Status of version 34 (V) Serial number 35 (P) MailerWatch taskname (depends on value of r0) 36 (V) MailerWatch timeout (1/100s) (depends on value of r0) 37 (P) Block containing LINE DETAILS (depends on value of r0) 38 (P) Linked list of LINE DEFINITIONS for every line configured. 39 (P) Date and time when Server last updated 40 (P) Pathname of Temp directory 41 (P) Pathname of Call Log file 42 (P) Pathname of AfterMail script 43 (P) Pathname of UserDirs 44 (P) Pathname of callcount file 45 (P) Pathname of Rescue script 46 (V) Ringback max delay before ringback no longer accepted 47 (V) Ringback min delay before accepting ringback 48 (P) Function key data string (r2=[1 shift, 2 ctrl], r3=key) 49 (P) Pointer to ARCbbs style 'GetStatusPointer' block 50 (V) Value of fast16screen configuration 51 (P) 'Guest' username 52 (P) Pointer to root of origin lines linked list 53 (V) Returns 255 if server is alive 8278d ArmBBS_GBFD (For internal use by ArmBBS) 8278e ArmBBS_PBTD (For internal use) 8278f ArmBBS_PBFD (For internal use) 82790 ArmBBS_SetActivity (Sets user activity on line) Entry r0 line r1 pointer to null terminated string containing activity 82791 ArmBBS_RequestData (For internal use by ArmBBS) 82792 ArmBBS_DoorTXPurge (Purges output buffer) Entry r0 line 82793 ArmBBS_DoorRXPurge (Purges input buffer) Entry r0 line 82794 ArmBBS_DoorTXCount (Returns number of bytes in output buffer) Entry r0 line Exit r0 number of bytes in TX buffer 82795 ArmBBS_DoorRXCount (Returns number of bytes in input buffer) Entry r0 line Exit r0 number of bytes in RX buffer 82796 ArmBBS_NotifyUser (Sends a 79 or less character message to top of user's screen) Entry r0 line or negative user number for specific user r1 pointer to null terminated string containing message r2 parameter word : bits 0-7 foreground colour (0-7) bit 4 set (8+colour) if bold bits 8-15 background colour (0-7) bits 16-28 reserved. must be 0 bit 29 send to all linetasks bit 30 flash if set bit 31 beep if set 82797 ArmBBS_UserNameToNumber (Returns usernumber from name) [cached in memory] Entry r0 line -1 (if -2, will cause a cache flush) r1 pointer to null terminated string containing name Exit r0 usernumber (-1 if not found otherwise user #) r1 user record position in userbase file if not found, r1 is last usernumber in userbase file r2 if not found, r2 is usernumber of first deleted record in file 82798 ArmBBS_UserNumberToName (Returns name from usernumber) Entry r0 line -1 r1 usernumber (>1) r2 pointer to data block to receive data (30 characters minimum) Exit r0 -1 if failed (can't open userfile), otherwise 0 82799 ArmBBS_PortStatus (Returns status for port line) Entry r0 line Exit r0 bit 0 set = user online bit 1 set = SendScript SWI 'task' still in operation. r1 connect speed (DCE)